US Collection – For the Best Judgement Recovery Services

Winning a lawsuit results means receiving a judgment. But that itself does not guaranty you will get paid. It is just a court sovereign that says the debtor owes the money. Now we have to collect.Once the judge gives the judgement in your favor, you still don’t have a judgment. The clerk of the court needs to allot the judgment. This usually takes 2 to 4 weeks, but with governmental budget reductions, there have been several occasions where this has taken 4 to 6 months. Once the judgment is delivered, it then needs to be logged at the state level and also be recorded in any county where the debtor owns real estate. In about 1/3 of the collectable lawsuits where people receive a judgment, it leads to the debtor agreeing to pay without having to do court ordered judgment collection procedures. They may still transfer the amount they pay or a payment plan. Everything is navigable. Because the court ordered judgment collection effor...